Orders are lovingly packaged using eco-responsible materials and shipped from our wonderful, family-run partner warehouse in PA within the same or next business day. We’ll email you with your tracking info as soon as your order is shipped.
Within the U.S.
As an expedited option, we also offer FedEx 2-Day for $11.50 and FedEx Overnight.
International Orders
Free shipping for orders over $300
Orders less than $300:
We ship all over the world, but note that some countries impose duties, taxes (tariffs) and fees, similar to taxes you pay upon purchasing a product in a local store within your own country. These are unavoidable and will be due at the time of delivery. Please contact your local customs office to find out more information if you are unsure of the charges.
*Note: no returns/exchanges on last chance clearance items, retiring items or leggings that have been cut to a shorter length.
Follow the steps below to initiate a return or exchange.
Please reach out to us at hello@waterlust.com to initiate a return or exchange.