
We're in business to build a more sustainable world by bringing environmental science into your life in creative ways.

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- Michelle Rumbaut, TX

Support the protection of the springs and Floridan aquifer

Every purchase from this collection donates 5% of sales to The Alachua Conservation Trust and advocates for the protection of the springs and Floridan aquifer

Floridan Aquifer


Why advocate for the protection of the springs and Floridan aquifer?

Florida evokes daydreams of white sandy beaches and palm trees – but perhaps the most magnificent water in Florida lies just out of sight. In the Sunshine State, water fills the limestone cavities of the Floridan aquifer beneath our feet. This is the source of drinking water for 92% of Floridians. But this water is not always hidden - where it finds its way to the surface, it forms marvelous freshwater springs, which support not only human life in Florida but also incredibly diverse and unique aquatic ecosystems. In fact, Florida is home to the highest density of freshwater springs in the world – more than 1,000 of them dot the karst landscape of the sunny peninsula. Unfortunately, increasing development and growing pressures on water resources are having negative impacts on Florida’s springs. Over the past 15 or 20 years, Florida’s burgeoning population has had a plethora of consequences for the springs, namely decreases in flow due to over-pumping and a transition from native underwater grasses to nasty algae. Nitrate levels in the springs have skyrocketed and ecosystem dynamics have changed as food webs are altered.

To help you advocate for the protection of the springs and Floridan aquifer, the following

Educational Resources

are included with your purchase:

Call-To-Action Postcards

Raising awareness is important, but it’s not enough! We all need to take action to help turn the tide. We worked with our science partners to create subject specific post cards that explain the top beneficial actions you can take on behalf of the species or ecosystem you’re supporting with your purchase. Shipped with every order, these cards are informative, beautiful and ready for a stamp so you can share it with a friend. 

Educational Series

Our team of salty science communicators hit the library and dug up everything you need to know about the species or ecosystem you’re supporting with your purchase. From past history and current status to future conservation challenges and specific ways you can get more involved, each series takes a deep dive into the causes we support so you can stay informed.

Each series consists of around 8 parts, emailed to you each week after your order is delivered.  And fear not, you can unsubscribe at any time, but we promise you won’t want to ;-) 


5% of sales from your purchase are donated to high-impact research and education organizations that are experts in their specific fields. We encourage you to learn more about these amazing organizations here. Purchases from this collection donate to The Alachua Conservation Trust.

